Stay deeply rooted while reaching for the sky
Many legends and myths talk about a Cosmic Tree, a Central Column or a Quantic Pole that pierces through all three realms of existence: Celestial, Terrestrial and Subterrestrial, each of them with its own subplanes.
All of these stories revolve around the theory of the middle point, with the Sacred Tree, this Axis Mundi, holding the world together and unifying all times and spaces.
The Tree of Life
~ Genesis of the Heart Space ~
Created into the Patrix,
Born into the Matrix,
We may now alchemize
the two polarities and taste
its fruits.
The Tree of Knowledge
~ Genesis of the Head Space ~
Once born into matter, it is through experimentation that we are being taught the lessons of Good and Evil (positive and negative), each with its own pros and cons, with the ultimate purpose of developing, evolving and opening our head space
(the I/Eye).
The Tree of Death
~ Genesis of the Reproductive Space ~
Once created into spirit (energy), we must eat its fruits to die into
the Patrix (the world of pure thought) as to be born into
the Matrix (the world of matter).
We enter the world of matter by the grace of our mother’s womb and due to our father’s determination to gift his essence.